
Give a Child New Shoes Backup

Give a child shoes

Every $25 you give provides one homeless child with a pair of new shoes to call their own.

More than a pair of shoes.

Making happier feet is a good place to start, but our work goes beyond that. We are driven to leave every child we reach with more than a pair of shoes—to leave them feeling inspired, confident, and loved.

Personalized cards Each pair of shoes is delivered with a personalized card, decorated and written by a volunteer, so every kid knows the shoes were picked out especially for them.
Decorate a card for a child now ›
Near-Peer Leaders Our work is driven by young leaders through Gotta Have Sole® Clubs within their own communities. This gives the kids we support role models closer to own their age and background. It helps to bridge the gap between homeless and non-homeless youth and builds a more cohesive community.
Start your own Gotta Have Sole® Club ›
Stronger community, stronger selves We develop deep relationships with every shelter we work with and the families that call them home. And we work with our clubs and shelter staff to provide new opportunities for kids so that they can discover all they are capable of through extracurricular sports, community projects, and individual tutoring.
Learn more about our programs ›
Why Shoes?
Discover how a pair of shoes can change a life
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